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Oprah Winfrey Drawing Full Body

Photo Forensics | Hany Farid | Thursday, xv.10.2015

Photo Forensics: From Stalin to Oprah

We know to exist wary of the photo hoaxes that litter the online landscape, the impossibly perfect women in way magazines, and the scandalous images in tabloids. Only can nosotros trust photographs in reputable news outlets, prestigious scientific journals, and government publications? In this serial of posts, I will examine how the ubiquity of photographic tampering has eroded our religion in images. I will likewise discuss contempo technological advances in the field of photo forensics that take the potential partially to restore this faith.

Photography lost its innocence almost at its inception. 1 of the most iconic portraits of Abraham Lincoln is actually a composite of his head on the body of John Calhoun, a staunch supporter of slavery. Manifestly, this bizarre hybrid was created because Lincoln did not announced sufficiently heroic. Since and so, images of other leaders have been manipulated to alter the photographic record: Stalin famously had his political enemies air-brushed out of official photographs, as did Mao Tse-tung, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, and many others. These dictators understood the power of photography. They understood that if you could remove someone from a photo, yous could effectively remove them from history.

This nearly iconic portrait (in the form of a lithograph) of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is a composite of Lincoln's head and the Southern pol John Calhoun's body.

Until recently, the cosmos of convincing fakes required considerable time and skill. Nowadays, photograph-editing software has become and then sophisticated that virtually anyone with access to a computer tin create a convincing photographic simulated. Despite this revolution in the technology for creating forgeries, the nature of forgeries hasn't inverse much: attaching a person'southward head to another person's torso remains a popular form of digital deception. Amid the best-known examples of this technique was the August 1989 cover of Tv set Guide, which featured the head of pop daytime talk-testify host Oprah Winfrey composited onto the torso of actress Ann-Margret. And in July of 1992, the encompass of Texas Monthly showed Texas Governor Ann Richards astride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle: a movie created by splicing Richards' head onto the trunk of a model. When asked if she objected to the paradigm, Richards responded that since the model had such a nice body, she could inappreciably complain.

This picture of Oprah Winfrey was created by splicing the caput of Winfrey onto the torso of extra Ann-Margret, taken from a 1979 publicity shot.

A digital blended of Martha Stewart's caput on a model'due south body appeared on the embrace of Newsweek.

The March 2005 cover of Newsweek featured a photograph of Martha Stewart with a headline that read "After Prison She'southward Thinner, Wealthier & Set up for Prime Time." The photograph, still, was a composite showing Stewart's head atop a (thin) model's body; its intent was manifestly to illustrate what Stewart might expect like when she was released from prison. Although the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, doesn't pose for magazine covers, she notwithstanding wound upwardly on the July 2013 cover of Marie Claire Due south Africa. The cover showed Middleton's head pasted onto the body of a model wearing fashion from a local designer. Side by side to the epitome was the pocket-sized impress disclaimer "fan fine art tribute."

Another perennial favorite of forgers is the use of compositing techniques to advise an association or relationship. It is believed, for instance, that a doctored photograph contributed to U.S. Senator Millard Tydings' electoral defeat in 1950: the photo of Tydings conversing with Earl Browder, a leader of the American Communist party, was meant to advise that Tydings had Communist sympathies. In 1994, New York Newsday published a composite of Olympic ice skaters Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan in an improbable scene: practicing together at an water ice rink shortly later Harding'south ex-husband was discovered to have hired someone to intermission Kerrigan's leg. And in 2000, the University of Wisconsin at Madison—hoping to illustrate its diverse enrollment—doctored a brochure photograph by digitally inserting a black student in a crowd of white football fans (University officials said that they had spent the summer looking for pictures that would show the school'south diversity—simply had no luck).

The photo of Tydings (right) conversing with Earl Browder (left), a leader of the American Communist party, was meant to suggest that Tydings had communist sympathies.

In the political arena, equally Senator John Kerry was campaigning for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, a doctored photo of Kerry sharing a phase with anti-state of war activist Jane Fonda was widely distributed. Even afterward the photograph was revealed as a fake, it continued to damage Kerry's prospects by cartoon attention to his controversial interest in the anti-war movement following his service in Vietnam. Pennsylvania State Representative Rob Kauffman distributed campaign literature in 2012 that featured a photo of him posing with his family, simply used a doctored version of an before campaign photo. The only difference is that a small dog had been composited into the newer photograph, prompting speculation about why his strategists thought Kauffman needed to exist associated with a cute puppy.

Maybe we take come to take or even expect a certain amount of photographic trickery from Hollywood and politicians. But when it comes to "difficult news" images similar those from wartime reporters, the reaction to image manipulation has been decidedly different. In March 2003, the front end page of the Los Angeles Times ran a dramatic photo of a British soldier in Basra, Republic of iraq, urging Iraqi civilians to seek cover. The photograph was discovered to exist two images combined to "improve" the composition. In response, the outraged editors of the Los Angeles Times fired Brian Walski, a 20-year sometime veteran news photographer.

A digital composite of a British soldier in Basra, gesturing to Iraqi civilians urging them to seek cover, appeared on the front page of the Los Angeles Times shortly after the U.S. led invasion of Republic of iraq.

Similarly, in August of 2006, the Reuters news agency published a photograph showing the remnants of an Israeli bombing of a Lebanese boondocks—an paradigm that, in the calendar week that followed, was revealed past hundreds of bloggers and nearly every major news organization to have been doctored with the improver of more fume. The full general response was one of outrage and anger: the lensman, Adnan Hajj, was accused of doctoring the image to exaggerate the bear upon of the Israeli shelling. Embarrassed, Reuters retracted the photograph and purged its archives of near 1,000 photographs contributed by Hajj. In January 2014, the Associated Press (AP) terminated its relationship with Pulitzer-prize-winning freelance photographer Narciso Contreras. The cause for the termination was a September 2013 photograph of the Syrian conflict that Contreras had altered to remove a video camera that was visible in the frame. The AP took downwards all of Contreras' photographs from their commercially available archive, near 500 in all, despite the fact that no other instances of improper manipulation were found. Santiago Lyon, Vice President and Director of Photography, was clear well-nigh the AP's naught tolerance for image manipulation: "Deliberately removing elements from our photographs is completely unacceptable and nosotros have severed all relations with the freelance photographer in question. He will not piece of work for the AP again in any capacity."

Despite the firm opinion of the AP and other news organizations, many of us are tempted to tweak a photograph for political advantage, for fiscal gain, or for aesthetic reasons. The fact that nosotros can hands modify photographs to suit our goals or our vanity means that doctored photographs pervade our society, and, inevitably, this has led to a growing skepticism of photographs and photographers. This skepticism has provided the impetus for the nascent field of photo forensics. In coming posts, I will discuss several forensic techniques that may reveal bear witness for image manipulation or bear witness of image authenticity.
